
MotionTutorials.net is your destination for Video Tutorials covering Cinema 4D, After Effects, Element 3D, Adobe Fuse, Motion Graphics, and more.

So who is behind all this?

Well Headline, I'm glad you asked. All content is created by motion graphics artist Sean Frangella, a Chicago native who loves talking about particule simulations, 3D reflections, lens flares, and cameras motion. That's me over in the photo to the left. In addition to creating flashy video tutorials, I spend my days creating 2D and 3D motion graphics seen on TV, in sports stadiums, in short films, and all over the web. 

When I'm not working on motion graphics I like to spend my time traveling with my wife, playing pick-up basketball, biking around Chicago, and challenging you to a duel in Mortal Kombat X.

Want to get an idea of my motion graphics work? Take a look at my reel.

For inquiries on working together on a motion graphics project, please contact Sean@SJanimate.com

I also speak at conferences, universities, and with current students about my experience navigating the creative industry.

For inquiries on conference presentations, please contact me at Sean@SJanimate.com

I've also appeared on live shows, talking about graphic design and the 3D industry, such as Adobe's "Creative Graphic Design," on Twitch.tv/Adobe

For inquiries on participation in live events, please contact me at Sean@SJanimate.com

...and I'll show up on the occasional Podcast.

For requests for podcast or speaking appearances, contact me at  Sean@SJanimate.com