Top 5 Hidden Features of Adobe Illustrator CC 2015

Working in illustrator for logo design or illustration can get a bit technical when you're bending curves and moving points around. To speed up working in illustrator and keep everything geometrically sound, there are some great tips for using Adobe illustrator, but some of them can be a bit hidden, or were snuck in with new features. In the video above, I'll cover my Top 5 tips to get you working faster in illustrator in no time!

My top 5 tips for Adobe Illustrator include tips for using the Transform tools, polygon shape options, align to artboard and selection tools, pasting in front and back, and the corner radius tool options. Learn about new features and top tips for working in Adobe Illustrator CC 2015, and Creative Cloud 2015 features.

Want more info on New Features in Photoshop CC 2015? Learn more about:

New Layer Styles in Photoshop CC 2015

Quick Export to PNG and updates to Save for Web

New 3D Filter to create bump maps and normal maps for 3D

Working with Creative Cloud Libraries in Photoshop and other Adobe Apps

Using the updated Blur gallery in Photoshop CC

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